Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Men At Play: Woody Fox & Justin Harris

for more pics & videos, please visit my Tumblr (fujiwara518.tumblr.com )


  1. That's great...
    yet, why not save it
    for Seventh-Heaven??
    Im a clean-shaven, muscular bi
    who's only interested in everything...
    yet, cannot have anal sex on earth.
    Only in the eternal Great Beyond.
    Wanna follow us to get moeNmoe???


    I'd love to meet you
    in intoxicating Seventh-Heaven...
    yet, you first must be prepared:
    Find-out what RCIA means and join;
    classes are free,
    starting early September:
    classes are 9 months +
    eternity Upstairs =
    cannot beat that, dood.

    Im sooo not better than you
    ...yet, I gotta lotta d'knowlijj
    which'll save-your-soul, kapiche??
    Sorry fo d'New Yoirk accent.
    Again, find-out what RCIA means.
    Make Your Choice  -SAW

    PS 'Saving souls from Hell
    should be your
    primary occupation'

    Turn-away from idolatry/indifference
    (worshipping the world).
    Turn-away from sin.
    Turn 180°
    Turn RITE.
    reTurn to Jesus:
    repent and be forgiven.
    Focus on Jesus.
    Follow us to the Great Beyond.
    Follow us to Seventh-Heaven.
    Follow us to Holy Mass
    & say the Rosary once per day.
    Do the RCIA, too.
    I. Love. You. earthling
    I'll pray for you.
    God bless your indelible soul.

    Yes, earthling, Im an NDE:
    I know exactly what Almighty God
    has prepared for those who love Him,
    an eternal explosion-of-extravagance
    which few are askin for anymore...
    yet, 1-outta-1 bites-the-dust.

  2. That's great...
    yet, why not save it
    for Seventh-Heaven??
    Im a clean-shaven, muscular bi
    who's only interested in everything...
    yet, cannot have anal sex on earth.
    Only in the eternal Great Beyond.
    Wanna follow us to get everything???


    I'd love to meet you
    in intoxicating Seventh-Heaven...
    yet, you first must be prepared:
    Find-out what RCIA means and join;
    classes are free,
    starting early September:
    classes are 9 months +
    eternity Upstairs =
    cannot beat that, dood.

    Im sooo not better than you
    ...yet, I gotta lotta d'knowlijj
    which'll save-your-soul, kapiche??
    Sorry fo d'New Yoirk accent.
    Again, find-out what RCIA means.
    Make Your Choice  -SAW

    PS 'Saving souls from Hell
    should be your
    primary occupation'

    Turn-away from idolatry/indifference
    (worshipping the world).
    Turn-away from sin.
    Turn 180°
    Turn RITE.
    reTurn to Jesus:
    repent and be forgiven.
    Focus on Jesus.
    Follow us to the Great Beyond.
    Follow us to Seventh-Heaven.
    Follow us to Holy Mass
    & say the Rosary once per day.
    Do the RCIA, too.
    I. Love. You. earthling
    I'll pray for you.
    God bless your indelible soul.

    Yes, earthling, Im an NDE:
    I know exactly what Almighty God
    has prepared for those who love Him,
    an eternal explosion-of-extravagance
    which few are askin for anymore...
    yet, 1-outta-1 bites-the-dust.

  3. That's great...
    yet, why not save it
    for Seventh-Heaven??
    Im a clean-shaven, muscular bi
    who's only interested in everything...
    yet, cannot have anal sex on earth.
    Only in the eternal Great Beyond.
    Wanna follow us to get everything???


    I'd love to meet you
    in intoxicating Seventh-Heaven...
    yet, you first must be prepared:
    Find-out what RCIA means and join;
    classes are free,
    starting early September:
    classes are 9 months +
    eternity Upstairs =
    cannot beat that, dood.

    Im sooo not better than you
    ...yet, I gotta lotta d'knowlijj
    which'll save-your-soul, kapiche??
    Sorry fo d'New Yoirk accent.
    Again, find-out what RCIA means.
    Make Your Choice  -SAW

    PS 'Saving souls from Hell
    should be your
    primary occupation'

    Turn-away from idolatry/indifference
    (worshipping the world).
    Turn-away from sin.
    Turn 180°
    Turn RITE.
    reTurn to Jesus:
    repent and be forgiven.
    Focus on Jesus.
    Follow us to the Great Beyond.
    Follow us to Seventh-Heaven.
    Follow us to Holy Mass
    & say the Rosary once per day.
    Do the RCIA, too.
    I. Love. You. earthling
    I'll pray for you.
    God bless your indelible soul.

    Yes, earthling, Im an NDE:
    I know exactly what Almighty God
    has prepared for those who love Him,
    an eternal explosion-of-extravagance
    which few are askin for anymore...
    yet, 1-outta-1 bites-the-dust.
